Sunday, August 26, 2012

New Website!

Hello everyone!

I'm in the process of moving my blog over to a new website! Yay! The website is

Please feel free to head over and explore. All of my pictures/printables are already attached in the files and docs tab. I'll still be blogging on the main page. I also have a word and book of the week section. Also, please +1 me if you like me! I'd really appreciate it!

Thank you everyone and happy teaching!


Monday, August 20, 2012

First Printable

Well hello everyone!

I am posting my first printable today! Hopefully it works out and you're actually able to print it. All I ask is that you keep the little copyright part attached. :) Please and thank you! More information after the picture!

Alright, so the plan here is that each child has this tapped to their desk. You can either cycle out the paper each week and send it home to the parents so they can see how their student did, or laminate it and use dry erase markers to just reuse! Rewards can range for whatever works best for your grade level and class (I made this with K-4 in mind). I like to use computer time, stickers, stamps, and extra time playing with a "toy" (ie-learning activity) as rewards for my kiddos. I printed mine out two on one sheet of paper like you see above and below is a picture of just half the page (don't forget to click to make it bigger/save as a text or picture and print). Hopefully you'll be able to print one version... Forgive me for being so inept...It's my first time doing this!

More to come soon! Keep teaching!


Saturday, August 18, 2012


One of my bulletin boards for your viewing pleasure:

The letters curve in a downward motion reflecting the butterflies.

The tree is 3D: Made with light green tissue paper covered with paper leaves

The tree trunk is made of cardboard.

The caterpillars are painted cotton balls (that I plan on changing for next time. Puff balls from the craft store! It's okay to admit that something didn't go right!)

I colored all the butterflies but the books were printed out. I also colored the letters of the words. I just happened to have a bug border which I thought looked adorable and fit perfectly with the theme.

Have I mentioned that I love crafting? I'm hoping to get some printable materials up soon! 

Keep Teaching,


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mini Bulletin Board

Hello everyone!

Busy week for me so here is a mini bulletin board to keep you happy!

This is called the Reader's Toolbox. Basically I found an idea on Pinterest ( and then changed it up a bit. The tools all say something on them. For example, the saw says "break the words into parts," the hammer says "act out the story," and the pliers say "Use the pictures." I just found pictures, cut them out and colored them, mounted them on construction paper, and put them on the window.

Hope you all enjoyed it!

Happy teaching!


Monday, August 6, 2012

Some Information

Where I work we have a few kids who have visual/auditory perception issues. I've realized that a lot of people and teachers have no idea what I'm talking about when I say these words.

Basically, visual and auditory processing disorder can come by themselves or together as a team. Visual processing disorder is often misdiagnosed as dyslexia. Students tend to write or read numbers and/or letters backwards. They don't always write with regards to the lines on the paper (margins or otherwise). They can seem ADD or ADHD because of their doodling or tendency to write all over the paper. The technical end of it is that the information that is being seen by the eyes is not passing through the brain correctly. Instead of the student being able to see every letter in its entirety a student may see the sentence look like this: "Whr I wrk w hve a fw kd wh hae visl/adtry prcepon isue." They may also see have the letters; for example an upper case E may look like uppercase F and lowercase e may look like c to them. This is why when they read and write letters may get jumbled and words may not be read in their entirety. These students also tend to skip lines when they read in order to get through the work faster. They do this so that less attention can be drawn on their reading.

Auditory processing disorder is often misdiagnosed as ADHD. These children stare off into space, draw on paper, may get up and move around a lot, and spend a lot of time confused over directions that were given orally. These children suffer from a lack of connection from brain to ear and back again. They may only hear parts of sentences (similar to a child with VPD who may only read parts of sentences and words) and the often run into things when they walk. They are considered clumsy because they miss directions and lack fine motor skills. These students will often act like the class clown so that they don't get noticed for "not listening" when in fact they aren't hearing properlly.

There are very easy ways for students to learn to live with Auditory and Visual Processing Disorder. Often they are just easy fixes in the classroom, such as moving the student closer to the front of the classroom so that they can focus on the teacher's lips as the move and giving the student bolder colored lines on a paper. It may mean a slightly bigger font or a highlighter that changes white to hot pink. Most students can learn to cope easily with these disorders and they are not detrimental as long as they are noticed and evaluated.

Please feel free to message me or leave a comment if you have any questions!

Keep Teaching,

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Inspiration for the day

Back when I student taught I worked in a school with kids who really struggled. They came from the inner city, had parents that weren't around (and not because they were working), and basically the last thing on their mind was school.

I had one little girl, A, and she was among the set of kids that I really worried about. She hated her mother with a passion I couldn't understand but at the same time could. It was hard for me to realize the world she lived in but I felt for her. I could see her pain.

I remember the day very clearly. It was a Wednesday and it was her birthday that next day, Thursday. It was right before spring break. I remember she walked in to school that Wednesday so excited that I went home and told my boyfriend at the time her story that she told me. She said that her mother was going to bake cupcakes for her to pass around class. I told my boyfriend that I was concerned because of the way her mother makes empty promises.

The next day A came in in the most adorable outfit. She was glowing with excitement and I felt so happy for her. As the day went on she became more and more upset by the evident lack of cupcakes that she was promised for her birthday. By 2:00 she was beyond miserable and everyone knew how unhappy she was. She had spent a lot of the day not paying attention to any work that I was trying to teach. At around 2:40 she got called down the office. A packed her bag thinking that she was going home only to come back a few minutes later with a tray full of cupcakes. She procceeded to pass out all the cupcakes to anyone and everyone that she could... Including the Principal whose office she spent most of her time with and the Security Guard who usually had to assist her down to the office when she had her angry outbursts.

Between my boyfriend and myself we made one little girl extraordinarily happy. She spent the last few minutes of the day ridiculously happy, laughing and smiling. After we came back from spring break she came up to me and cocked her head to the side, asking very slyly if my boyfriend and I like to bake. I very plainly said that we liked to do a lot of things. The last day of my student teaching she hugged me and told me thank you and that she loved me. I helped make a difference in A's life. I helped make a little girl feel special for a few moments on her birthday.

Teaching isn't always about getting across numbers and letters. It's about making sure that kids feel safe and happy...If they don't feel that way they won't spend any time learning.

Keep Teaching,


Saturday, July 28, 2012

When the Lightbulb Goes On

For me, the best moment of teaching is when you see a student struggling to get through a math problem, sound out a word, or answer a reading comprehension question suddenly GET it. I see it a lot when I teach math to kids. I always struggled with my math when I was younger and was originally very hesitant to teach anything other then 6th grade and younger math. Of course, what am I doing now? Teaching algebra and geometry.


I think the reason I can teach these subjects (although with a bit of hesitation at times) is because I had to learn the math in a different way than most of the other kids in my classes. Most of the kids who come to where I work need to learn math in a different way and I am able to provide them with that opportunity that someone who has understood math their entire life may not be able to do.

The other day I was teaching a student a math problem. She wasn't getting it at ALL. Finally, I showed her the way that I remembered how to plug in numbers into equations. She looked at me and that look showed up on her face.... That look that shows the light bulb went on and she said "oh my God it makes sense now!" I couldn't help but smile and laugh. It was an incredible feeling to see her get what I was explaining.

This is one of the reasons I lover being a teacher....To see a child get what I'm explaining. To have it click in their mind. To see the look of excitement on their faces when they can take what I've said and apply it to their work without my help. It's how I know I've truly made an impact to them, that they care about what I've said and how I've shown it to them. It's tells me that they were LISTENING.... And isn't that what we want? For our students to listen?

Keep Teaching,
