Saturday, July 28, 2012

When the Lightbulb Goes On

For me, the best moment of teaching is when you see a student struggling to get through a math problem, sound out a word, or answer a reading comprehension question suddenly GET it. I see it a lot when I teach math to kids. I always struggled with my math when I was younger and was originally very hesitant to teach anything other then 6th grade and younger math. Of course, what am I doing now? Teaching algebra and geometry.


I think the reason I can teach these subjects (although with a bit of hesitation at times) is because I had to learn the math in a different way than most of the other kids in my classes. Most of the kids who come to where I work need to learn math in a different way and I am able to provide them with that opportunity that someone who has understood math their entire life may not be able to do.

The other day I was teaching a student a math problem. She wasn't getting it at ALL. Finally, I showed her the way that I remembered how to plug in numbers into equations. She looked at me and that look showed up on her face.... That look that shows the light bulb went on and she said "oh my God it makes sense now!" I couldn't help but smile and laugh. It was an incredible feeling to see her get what I was explaining.

This is one of the reasons I lover being a teacher....To see a child get what I'm explaining. To have it click in their mind. To see the look of excitement on their faces when they can take what I've said and apply it to their work without my help. It's how I know I've truly made an impact to them, that they care about what I've said and how I've shown it to them. It's tells me that they were LISTENING.... And isn't that what we want? For our students to listen?

Keep Teaching,


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