Sunday, July 22, 2012


Hello fellow Teachers/readers/bloggers who I hope stick with me while I make my way into the blogging world. I'm hoping that this blog will inspire teachers, parents, anyone who works with kids.

Let me start off by introducing myself. I'm Lauren and I graduated from college 3 (!) years ago. I have a job in a tutoring Center in New Jersey and I really love working there. I've learned so much about kids, teaching, and life while working in that center that I hope to bring to my classroom one day. I also hope to share some of these life experiences with you so that you can take it to your classroom, school, or home!

I have a love for teaching and a passion for kids to understand what is being taught to them. If I can change a child's life in one way.... be it igniting a passion for art or showing them how to multiply so that they have that "ah ha" moment, I feel like I have succeeded as a teacher. I know that's probably corny to say but as I said to the parent of a student who recently tested to us, that's truly how I feel. If I do something positive for a child, I have done something right...And it absolutely does NOT have to be something academic to be a positive impact on their life.

I know this first blog is short...I plan to make it longer, to add pictures of bulletin boards I do at work, and to talk about my various adventures in teaching.

Continue Teaching!


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